Opinion: Flagstaff Road — a brief history

Because of my interest in the charter issues around the Pro Cycling Challenge bike race, I did some research into the history of the Flagstaff Summit Road, the half-mile spur from the main Flagstaff Road at Realization Point to the Amphitheater, which is the proposed finish for the race. I believe what follows is accurate, but I am not a professional historian. Information came from the City of Boulder’s Central Records, the Carnegie Library, former Parks and Open Space board members, Mary Reilly-McNellan’s “History of Boulder Mountain Parks,” and other sources.
The city first obtained land in the Flagstaff area from the federal government around 1898. The only road from Boulder went up Gregory Canyon on the north side of the creek, and came out about where the dirt road now descends from the Realization Point parking area. By 1906, the road had been abandoned. Per the 1906 newspaper article, “(County) Commissioner Hoover admitted that he would not dare to walk down the road at night, much less think of driving down.” I suspect it connected to the top of Flagstaff via a track up the ridge from Realization Point.
A citizens group pushed for building a new road up from Arapahoe, but in the end, it started at Baseline. Per an article from 1926, the county commissioners had committed $10,000 per year to re-do the upper part of this new road; the section from Baseline to the stone shelter (near the Flagstaff House) was still “useable.” The article stated, “All three commissioners felt that Boulder is entitled to some work on this road in consideration of the amount of taxes paid by the city.” The road dedication occurred in October 1926 at the summit flagpole, erected in 1918.
A newspaper story in 1947 entitled, “City’s Portion Of Flagstaff Road To Be Improved” stated, “(City crews]) will blade Chapman Drive from its lower end at Blanchard’s lodge (now the Red Lion Inn) in Boulder canon to the “saddle” or Kossler junction on Flagstaff (now called Realization Point) and then to the top of the mountain…The route from Boulder up to the east side of Flagstaff to the saddle is a county road.” Per an article from 1964, the county commissioners were participating with the city in doing more roadwork. “Commissioner Joe Smith explained that up to the junction, the Flagstaff Road, while it crosses a Boulder City mountain park, is a county road. The section above the saddle to the top of the mountain is strictly in the city’s domain.” Apparently the city has managed, maintained, and improved the Summit Road for over 60 years.
A detailed survey of the main Flagstaff road up to the saddle is included in the county’s “Road Book” ; the latest entry is from 1929. But the description of the Summit Road is inaccurate; their map shows it starting north, not northeast, and ending west, not east, of the true Flagstaff summit.
In 1998, the city started a process to integrate Boulder’s Mountain Parks, including Flagstaff, with Open Space. In 2000, the land was transferred to what was renamed Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks. A critical part of this was the acceptance by the Open Space Board of Trustees of the 1999 Mountain Parks Resource Preservation and Visitor Master Plan, confirming that those uses permitted by Mountain Parks at that time, like weddings and group picnics, would not violate charter restrictions on the use of Open Space and so would continue.
Per Tuesday’s Camera, the Pro Cycling Challenge will be selling $500 VIP “hospitality” box seats at the finish at the top of Flagstaff, including alcohol, TV screens, private restrooms, shuttle service, etc. This seems like it would need an “exclusive license or permit,” requiring approval by the Open Space Board of Trustees under Charter Section 177, as could the race itself where it passes on Summit Road. And all this seems to conflict with Section 176’s restriction on the use of Open Space for “passive recreation.” According to what I’ve heard, the city administration’s position is still vague as to who owns the Summit Road, and they may suggest that no exclusive permits be issued. So the council’s long-overdue public hearing on June 5 should be very interesting!

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