Opinion: Ground rules for growth

This column was stimulated by a recent city of Boulder newspaper ad. It said, “Now Showing on Boulder’s Channel 8 — Is Building in Boulder Over?” The ad goes on to discuss Longs Gardens, a 25-acre parcel of agricultural land near Broadway and Iris Avenue, and asks whether this site is appropriate for “the ‘right kind of development’ that is not car dependent.” The show itself was basically a discussion about some of the more recent iterations of “new urbanism” (dense, mixed use areas that in theory promote alternatives to driving) versus the value of green space and urban agriculture (including its value to children as a learning experience).
I found the presentations, which involved a sitting council member and a member of the Transportation Advisory Board, rather troubling. First, neither participant provided any context. Discussions about growth in Boulder need to start with the numbers: Under its current zoning, Boulder has the potential to add something like 60,000 more jobs to “reasonable” build-out, and over 100,000 if Boulder were built out to the full zoning potential, and, in addition, some tens of thousands more residents. So building in Boulder is not even close to being over.
Second, although arguments were made supporting various versions of more “sustainable” development, no actual criteria were laid out as to how sustainability should be measured, or whether such schemes will actually produce it. For example, being able to walk to a neighborhood coffee shop is nice, but how does that benefit the planet if your job is miles away in another part of Boulder or the Metro area, forcing you to commute just as if you lived in a more conventional residential neighborhood? Or how does the ill-conceived Transit Village (now Boulder Junction) help address Boulder’s huge in-commuting traffic jam when it is nothing more than some housing developments located so more people can move to Boulder, but then take the bus to Denver? Worse, this project increases driving by pushing locally used service industries out of Boulder.
Third, there was no acknowledgement that Boulder currently operates with conflicting planning goals. Our Comprehensive Plan policies can be used to support darn near anything. For example, Boulder city staff determined that the Hogan-Pancost parcels met the Comp Plan’s requirements for annexation by providing “community benefit.” But the Planning Board turned the proposal down 7-0 because they found that it conflicted with other critical Comp Plan policies.
The city has staff people working on keeping businesses in town and promoting economic development, with others hard at work playing catch-up by helping provide more affordable housing so additional workers can live here. Still others are working to try to mitigate the transportation mess created by the first two. We want diverse housing, but our housing fee-in-lieu allows central area developers to push their affordable units off to outlying areas. Our zoning allows massive amounts of future development, yet our development fee structure is completely inadequate to prevent grid-locked traffic congestion, or to provide adequate parks, rec centers or libraries.
What Boulder needs are ground rules for growth. These should identify the minimum measurable standards for development to be considered sustainable, or at least to not make things worse. Because not every project will be able to meet every standard on its own, the rules should require the city to meet and maintain these “no negative impact” standards on, say, a three-year running average. And these rules and standards should be in the Charter; that way they can be enforced by the citizens, and not become just more irrelevant, unenforced Comp Plan policies.
Here’s a start at what minimum standards for sustainable development might look like:
Transportation: No increase in vehicle miles traveled, travel times or wait times at signalized intersections.
Water supply: No increase in frequency of watering restrictions.
Police and fire: No degradation of response time.
Energy: No increase in fossil fuel consumption.
Housing: Maintain geographic and economic diversity.
Parks, rec centers and libraries — maintain geographic accessibility and per capita service levels.
I can already hear the screaming, “These rules will stop all growth!” That’s nonsense. Each of these requirements can be met with proper planning, design and fee structures. Besides, if people really care about sustainability, then we need to actually do it, not just give lip service. If the council won’t implement such strong, enforceable ground rules, perhaps the citizens should put them on the ballot.

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