Opinion: Stop the privatization of U.S. 36

Building the U.S. 36 HOV lane is important, but the privatization approach is a huge mistake. CDOT is setting up a no-win situation: the goals of private business are to maximize revenues (from tolls); to minimize costs (on snow removal and maintenance); to limit risk (by financing its investment by selling bonds, and thus reduce its exposure); and to avoid downsides (by eliminating free HOV2, and obstructing innovation that might reduce toll revenues). The public’s goals are exactly the opposite.
This arrangement is nothing like a multi-year lease for a restaurant, where the terms are pretty standard, good deals can be struck because competition is strong, and the leased space is not a critical public asset. This is a one-time 50-year no-exit monopoly on essential infrastructure. Worse, the concessionaire is collecting tolls on one lane but doing the maintenance on all lanes, creating an inherent conflict. With a 600-page Concession Agreement plus numerous side agreements (guaranteeing years of expensive lawyers’ fees) and with highly paid executives on the other side (with vast experience at writing contracts to their benefit), the public will almost certainly come out second best.
The behavior of CDOT and its High Performance Transportation Enterprise (HPTE) division has been appalling. First they said that the agreements are too secret to disclose. Then, after being pressured, they reversed course and made public most of the Concession Agreement, but not the financials. Then in a Wednesday’s Denver Post article, it was revealed that the Goldman Sachs investors will see all the documents, with no exceptions. CDOT should make all the documents public, including detailed long-term projections of traffic counts, toll collections and rates of return. Without these, we have no idea how high the profits could go; I noted an already outrageous 13-plus percent return figure in HPTE’s Summary.
We also need to understand the financial inter-relationships between CDOT, HPTE, the concessionaire, its international owners, and the Federal government, which is loaning a lot of the money. Apparently the concessionaire, Plenary Roads Denver (PRD), is separate legally entity whose assets and liabilities are distinct from its owners. PRD intends to raise capital by selling bonds (actually issued by HPTE), so it could end up with very little skin in the game, kind of like the securitization of housing loans that put us into the Great Recession. So if PRD has financial difficulties, there may be no significant assets to pay off the Fed loans, and we may end up on the hook, negating one of the alleged benefits of this “privatization”.
Policy changes at the state level could disrupt the whole arrangement. The state could intelligently shift from general taxes to user fees to fund most state and local transportation. This would force RTD to raise its rates, since its approximately 80 percent tax subsidy would shrink. Under the agreement, that would push up the minimum tolls, providing more profits to PRD. Or, the Feds might change policy to allow tolling on all existing interstate lanes.
The HPTE board is involved in approving any toll increases (the maximum starts at almost $28 for a two-way trip.) But what are their criteria? Will the process be public? Will their decisions be subject to judicial or legislative review? The PUC process is Byzantine enough as it attempts to regulate private monopolies like Xcel — we’ll see a lot worse nonsense here.
There are financing alternatives for this piece of the funding that don’t involve privatization. For example, if the rules for setting the tolls were clear so that investors actually knew what they were getting into, then the state could issue revenue bonds, or even do a real Public-Public-Partnership, where citizens willing take on the risk get the rewards. A district-based auto registration fee, like the 2009 FASTER fee, could backstop the cash flow to reduce risk. Development impact fees could easily secure the debt; if they were in place, the cash would already be available. With any of these approaches, or actually putting something on the ballot, private sector involvement would be avoided, and the citizens could maintain control of our infrastructure.

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