Opinion: Middle-income housing requires math, not maps

Boulder City Council is meeting on Tuesday to consider how to address the loss of middle-income households in Boulder. To make sense of their material, I needed to make explicit some implicit assumptions and conclusions:
The council’s goal apparently is to try to have Boulder’s income distribution approximate that of the county or state, to keep from becoming more elitist. The proposed solution is to ensure adequate affordable housing for a large segment of the population. Boulder’s housing programs will no longer just be about providing for “low-” and “moderate-” income people; the target population will now include the “middle” — households of 80 percent to 150 percent of Area Median Income (AMI).
So the housing programs will potentially serve the majority of residents. It would not be equitable to use general revenues for funding this middle-income program, since that would be taxing and then subsidizing people in similar financial situations. And because “median” means half above and half below, at least half of the units in any new development would have to be permanently affordable to those below median income, with another significant fraction affordable to the 100-150 percent AMI group. Otherwise, Boulder’s income distribution would become worse, not better.
Over the last 10 years, in spite of very significant economic turmoil, Boulder housing prices have increased at about 5 percent per year on average. But incomes have risen at only 2 percent per year. At these growth rates, existing market-rate, owner-occupied housing that is now reasonably affordable to “the middle” will be only marginally affordable in 10-15 years and unaffordable in not too many more.
According to the preliminary work done by KMA for the city’s impact fee update, the “affordability gap” (the difference between the price and what is affordable) for new townhomes for a household at 100 percent of AMI is over $100,000. This gap only closes for households having significantly higher incomes and/or devoting much higher percentages of their incomes to housing. So, realistically, new market-rate housing will not be affordable to the vast majority of Boulder’s middle-income households.
I used this data because certain critical numbers seemed to be missing from the session materials, like the fraction of income devoted to housing and calculated affordability gaps. Also,the materials contained some apparently contradictory statements, like, “Middle income households can afford 99 percent of city’s rentals, but only 67 percent of attached homes…for sale in 2015…” versus “Purchasing an attached unit is cheaper than renting at market rates.”
Pressure on housing prices from the projected thousands of new, high-paying tech jobs will increase the affordability gap. And there is no guarantee that housing built to be market-rate-affordable won’t end up going to relatively high-income households, upping the price. So, as in other regions with tech booms, just encouraging more market-rate development won’t help.
Also, more housing won’t solve our in-commuting problems. Many local employees will still prefer towns with less expensive, more desirable housing types. And some people moving here will commute to Denver.
Some council members are thinking about annexing the Planning Reserve (several hundred acres northeast of Boulder) and zoning it for housing. But, as I pointed out above, unless the large majority of new housing is permanently affordable, we’ll just have more sprawl and traffic, but no improvement in income distribution. Also, Boulder’s current in-city inclusionary housing policies are completely inadequate to accomplish the goal, requiring only 20 percent of new housing to be permanently affordable, with an inadequate fee-in-lieu requirement for new rental developments.
The planning staff’s latest oxymoron — “gentle infill'” for neighborhoods — doesn’t work either. Adding market rate units to single-family homes will just drive up their prices when they are sold. We’ll get more density, but no better affordability.
One problem is that planners are in the business of doing physical planning for development, but creating and maintaining affordability is actually a financial and economic problem that requires math, not maps. Focusing on figuring out where to build distracts from the critical questions of whether and under what terms. We need policy analysis that includes development of alternative strategies with comparative evaluation in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, equity and externalities, so we don’t just pointlessly sacrifice one value for another.
My sense is that to maintain real economic diversity, the city will have to come up with some very creative financing to allow it to fix prices for a large fraction of Boulder’s existing housing stock so that these units become more affordable over time. It’s not an instant solution, but potentially could make the difference.

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