Opinion: The curse of the Boulder Valley

In 1858, Chief Niwot, Boulder’s first real environmentalist (that we know about), told the European settlers the area was cursed: “People seeing the beauty of this valley will want to stay, and their staying will be the undoing of the beauty.”
We are seeing Chief Niwot’s curse play out. The arguments for more and more, whether based on the specious need for continual growth and change or on the magical logic that more people means less total impact, drown out what should be obvious — there are fundamental constraints on how many people and jobs can be jammed into the Boulder Valley and still have it be a desirable place.
Growth plus climate change have made our water supply much less secure. Boulder has three water sources: the Arapahoe Glacier area via the Lakewood Pipeline, the Middle Boulder Creek drainage via Barker Reservoir, and the Colorado River via the Colorado-Big Thompson Project (C-BT). Under the 1922 Colorado River Compact, the Lower Basin states (CA, AZ, NV) are entitled to the first 7.5 million acre feet per year on a 10-year average, and the Upper Basin gets what’s left. In the years prior to the Compact’s signing, runoff exceeded 15 million Acre-feet. So
it looked like the Upper Basin was getting a good deal by receiving more than half the total.
But with climate change-induced drought, the Upper Basin states (Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, New Mexico) will take the full brunt of the inadequate runoff, once they run out of credits for over-deliveries. The compact’s structure creates this multiplier effect — the Lower Basin gets a guaranteed amount, so all deficits come out of the Upper Basin’s share.
Colorado’s share of this deficit is assessed first against those holding Colorado River junior water rights, further focusing the negative impact. C-BT’s water rights are relatively junior. And without its C-BT water, Boulder would have very serious shortages almost every year.
Colorado water expert James Eklund presented this reality in the April 19 Denver Post when discussing the current water dispute with Arizona. “The states have a long history of cooperating on ways to conserve the waterway, Eklund said, and the Upper Basin states want that to continue. He said they can’t afford to wait, because another dry winter could trigger mandatory cutbacks for water users under the rules governing the river.”

Transportation is another area where we need to face reality. In brief, congestion is not a linear function of traffic. Up to a point, an intersection can handle increased traffic without causing much slowing or delay. But as soon as the intersection reaches capacity, cars start to stack up, delays increase exponentially, emissions climb, and people take risks, which is why the “yellow arrow turn” has become such an issue. Accident prevention is useful, but it’s really addressing a symptom, not a cause.
Traffic congestion affects other aspects of our life: Businesses have a harder time operating, and people shop elsewhere, reducing sales tax revenues. A number of people have told me that they now shop in Superior because it’s easier to get to. This exacerbates the drop in sales tax due to online shopping and other cities becoming more competitive.
Even attempting to deal with congestion will require radical changes, like shifting funding from sales tax to parking charges to subsidize car pools, van pools, ride sharing services, and delivery services, as well as fund O&M. These services would reduce overall traffic, and the fees would provide a disincentive to driving.
In addition, the city would have to put in place appropriate development impact fees and exactions based on a (long overdue) transportation master plan that would actually prevent traffic increases. And almost certainly, the city would have to fund transportation specialists to consult with employers, just as we do with energy efficiency improvements, to help design location-specific programs to reduce commuting traffic.
Finally, we have to face up to these realities in our city planning. This will mean shifting from piecemeal site reviews that allow pretty much whatever wherever to doing truly sustainable planning that comprehensively addresses our constraints. This will require keeping the building height moratorium, redesigning the site review process, and focusing on the long term. We need to recognize our limitations and live within them.
Singer Joni Mitchell really captured the essence of Chief Niwot’s concerns in her 1970 song “Big Yellow Taxi:”
“Don’t it always seem to go
“That you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone?
“They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.”

That says it all.

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