Opinion: Government as a two way street

 I’ve engaged in a number of conversations recently about the need to defuse the increasing polarization that is occurring around almost every issue in Boulder. We face complex questions around issues such as growth, affordable housing, our energy future, and racial equity. But our governmental processes, at least as far as they involve giving ordinary citizens a role in the decision-making, have become more and more of a one-way street, with input being depersonalized and almost no interaction. As a result, there is no realistic way for most citizens to have meaningful discussions with our decision-makers.

The expanding importance of these issues has resulted in citizens feeling an increased need to engage, supported by real fears of the consequences of not doing so. But at the same time citizens are experiencing a decreased ability to actually have any influence or effect on the outcomes. This frustration comes from feeling that no one is listening. In particular, many citizens sense that participating or testifying is just pro forma, and that the council members will do what they have already decided to do anyway. This feeling is accentuated when fundamental decisions are made before the formal city-run outreach is even started.

This feeling of being disregarded by the power structure leads to what people now call “populism”, where complex issues are turned into slogans, and people instantly take rigid positions on whatever the current issue is. As a result, simplistic solutions are pushed – and unfortunately sometimes adopted – without real in-depth discussion of their consequences or alternatives.

The good news is that council members are finally taking a look at their engagement processes. And some basic fixes are occurring. But what is missing is a fundamental re-evaluation the council’s role: Rather than operating as if they were elected to make decisions for the masses, they need to make decisions with the masses. We’ll know this is happening if, during the debates, council members represent all the viewpoints that need to be considered, even those not their own. With the legal power all on one side, this will require interactive communication distinguished by an honest willingness by those in power to listen for what might change their minds or inform them of something they didn’t know or hadn’t thought about.

The current practice, where citizens testify, identify issues, or propose solutions, and the council just sits there and then acts, leaves the citizens who participate feeling like they don’t even exist. Many have said that it’s like talking to a glass wall, and so have given up. I certainly have had that experience. And staff-generated summaries of public meetings makes people feel just like depersonalized statistics, especially when their strong feelings or cogent arguments seem to be ignored.

Getting elected doesn’t make anyone smarter or better. If anything, the opportunity to serve is also an opportunity to become more aware of how many other smart people there are in Boulder, and that on any issue, some of them may know more than the council or staff.

This suggests that the council could personally invite specific citizens who are well informed on hot button topics to speak, and then ask them questions to get information and perspectives that the council cannot get from the staff. This also lets other citizens know that the council is paying attention.

Council members could also participate directly as equals with their appointed citizen working groups. Then they will have to struggle with the complexities and compromises inherent in good policy formation, and actually discuss the issues face to face with their informed citizenry.

Another way is for the council agenda committee to ensure that all agenda material is complete before being debated, so citizens don’t have to testify multiple times. If the data and analyses are done well, then the council will receive the needed public feedback the first time the matter is heard. And then the council debates will sound more like the discussions that informed citizens are already having among themselves.

Sometimes this may require publicly critiquing staff presentations or the council’s own work. This helps because then the citizens know that the council is not glossing over mistakes or missing info, and will have more trust in the process. Doing this may be a bit unpleasant for staff or council, but not acknowledging mistakes just leaves things hanging.

Taking these actions is not a cure-all. But they will help restore our sense of community. And our political process will be closer to a two way street.

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