Opinion: Former council members oppose shift to even-year council elections

 I thought Camera readers would be interested to hear from other former council members about the proposed shift to even-year council elections. I contacted over a dozen former council members with whom I’ve stayed in touch. Eight volunteered to share their thoughts. Below are their comments in alphabetical order.

Cindy Carlisle:

Boulder’s non-partisan odd-year elections focus candidates and the electorate on an informed discussion of local candidates and issues. Electors aren’t distracted by the noise and money of national campaigns in even years. Citizens concerned about the city’s future and how it’s shaped participate, examining items both mundane (capital improvements) and exotic (Campaign Finance Reform!).

Roughly one-third of the city, some 35,000 people, are CU students living here for, generally, four years. Changing local elections from odd to even-numbered years only to attract a transitory population — who can vote now — seems counterproductive to sound governance. Keep Boulder odd!

Allyn Feinberg:

One of the most important things about our city council elections is that they are non-partisan — candidates don’t run as Democrats or Republicans, but on their ability to contribute leadership to our community. Moving our municipal elections into even years will certainly have the effect of making them partisan. So voters will be diverted from considering a city council candidate’s values and knowledge of issues and will end up focused on their real or perceived party affiliation. This will be as bad for Boulder as it has been for the rest of our country.

Bob Greenlee:

For as long as anyone can remember local Boulder elections have been held in odd-numbered years unincumbered by even-year excessive political posturing and voting distortions that occur when voting in our nation’s politically charged national elections. Unfortunately, a majority of Boulder City Council members have already indicated approval of major changes in our local election process. They may be deceiving themselves and the public about what a marvelous idea this is!

Dick Harris:

We treasure the miracle our predecessors have created in Boulder. That’s why many of us came here. We’re different and like it that way. We don’t need or value the blurring of our local decision-making with state and federal partisan elections. That’s what we will get if we switch to even-year voting. And to try out a new approach in the midst of national political chaos is a horrible idea having unpredictable consequences.

Spense Havlick:

The present election schedule on odd years has served the entire community very well (including thoughtful CU students who became informed about local issues and local candidates). If state and national issues are on the ballot, a larger turnout does not deliver a better educated or better-informed vote. Many voters may never get to the local issues at the end of the ballot. And the cost of a heavier, longer ballot to mail both ways should be a factor to consider. Our current system is not broken.

Lisa Morzel:

City council and local initiatives impact the community most of all. Successful elections require an informed citizenry who understands the intricacies of ballot measures and candidates. Reasons promoting an even-year change (more people will vote) are red herrings and they assault grassroots local elections and democracy at their basic core. Keep local elections in odd years. Maintain an informed vote!

Andrew Shoemaker:

Citizens who don’t vote in odd years do so because of lack of motivation rather than lack of opportunity. It’s learning about the local issues, rather than the act of mail-in voting that takes motivation. Moving city council elections to even years won’t assist voters in casting informed votes. Having to learn about and vote on national, statewide and local candidates during the same election year will make informed voting more burdensome for all of us.

Mary Young:

Voter turnout, regardless of election timing, is lower for low-income folks. Yet, outreach, regardless of timing, typically focuses on likely voters. I’d like to see us commit more time on local outreach and information dissemination about the policy stakes to unlikely voters in odd years. Increasing council compensation could encourage more diverse residents to run for city council. The work is demanding and the pay abysmal, a situation that discourages potential candidates. These efforts might do more for increasing representativeness (if that’s the goal) than moving to even-year elections.

My conclusion:

I hope the voters will stick with our current system. It gives the voters a better opportunity to participate and to vote in an informed and thoughtful manner.

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